Personalized, Expert Physical Therapy

ARPT is here

to help you thrive.

Have a new injury? Been struggling to recover from an old injury? Difficulty with chronic pain? Insurance-based physical therapy may be leaving you feeling frustrated and unsupported. But there's another option: cash-based physical therapy. By paying out of pocket for your sessions, you're investing in yourself and your health. With Adventure Ready Physical Therapy, you'll receive personalized attention and care that's tailored specifically to your needs. At Adventure Ready, the care is always 1 on 1 and there's a strong emphasis on ensuring that every session is productive and valuable.  No more generic treatment plans or rushed appointments. By working with Adventure Ready, you'll be able to heal and regain your strength and mobility, allowing you to get back to doing the things you love pain-free. Say goodbye to insurance limitations and hello to a better, more effective way of healing with Adventure Ready Physical Therapy.

What patients are saying…

Jenny, 43

“We came to Drew after my 12 year old daughter’s orthopedic doctor recommended a second surgery on her right knee. We were a little heartbroken and wanted a second opinion. Within minutes of examining her, Drew diagnosed the issue and recommended a plan to avoid surgery. After 6 weeks she was strong enough to return to soccer, which was a huge relief after being in physical therapy with someone else for about 18 months.  Drew knew exactly what she needed and provided the right amount of challenge to get her back to doing what she loves. It is so good to watch her back on the field! All thanks to Drew. He is friendly, knowledgeable, passionate about his work and I cannot recommend him enough.”

Elizabeth, 22

“Drew is the best physical therapist I have ever worked with. He is genuine, knowledgeable, and cares deeply about all of his patients. I would highly recommend him to anyone who asks.”

Jamie, 44

“Drew is amazing! He listened to my issues and helped educate me on the “why” behind them. He learned what my goals for my active lifestyle are and worked to provide clear and effective solutions so that I could get back to doing what I love to do! I feel equipped now to move forward in a way that is best for my body and what it is capable of! Highly recommend!”

Regan, 47

“Drew has treated me for multiple injuries including rehabbing my shoulder for a full year in lieu of surgery. His treatment plan is customized to my specific goals and abilities.”

Brad, 49

“I have been getting treatment from Drew for the past 3 years.  I have multiple issues due to injuries sustained over the years from playing football.  His knowledge, diligence, collaboration and communication are the reasons why I continue to seek out his expertise.  I trust Drew with my health and my entire family gets treatment from Drew when needed.”

Hayley, 30

“Drew is an excellent physical therapist! I’ve had a few injuries over the last few years and have always gone to him. Very knowledgeable, friendly, and caring. In February, I broke my tibia in half and had surgery. He spent one-on-one time with me to help strengthen and gain mobility back in my leg. I went from shuffling in a walker to walking normally again.”

Beth, 47

“I have used Drew for multiple injuries over the past 4 years! From Piriformis Syndrome to whiplash to rotator cuff rehab. He is one Physical Therapist that follows through on your care and takes the time to walk you through the process. He is very informative of all possibilities that could be the cause of why you need a PT! He also dry needles and suggest many natural  processes. I will maintain care through him for my entire family as needed. Thank you Drew for everything!”

Jennifer, 46

“Drew’s knowledge and expertise in his field makes a patient feel comfortable and at ease when they are scared and hurt the most. He lays out a clear and precise game plan, adjusts when needed, and supports his patients through their full recovery. Five stars!”

Foster, 28

“Drew embodies "teach a man to fish" giving detailed reasoning behind how to heal and prevent further injuries. Everything is catered to how YOU move specifically- it's 100% personalized. 10/10 would recommend.”